these tulips had crazy frayed edges - they were so beautiful!
I couldn't wait to get my hands on little miss Story's strawberry blonde locks!! Did some cute pigtails one morning
Meet Verity, Story & Pepper. They are all a year apart in age and they are little bundles of energy! My sister-in-law Kathy is a busy mom! And she's pregnant with another little girl on the way. This picture pretty well sums them up perfectly haha
Verity doing exercises with Grandma in the morning
They love hanging out with Grandma
BYU Women's Conference
We stayed in the dorms on campus so it was fun to have everyone so close!! So many classes to chose from, I'm not sure which was more fun - the actual conference, or just being together. These Pierson ladies can get a little wild! After about 8pm you're in for a real treat. All the Pierson cousins grew up spending lots of time together so we are really close. (There are ~30 cousins just on the Pierson side) We learned, served, shopped, ate & drank (pop) till we burst!
Marriott Center filled with women!
Group Picture!
Barb and her 2 girls, Sharee & Crystal. Sharee on the left was my maid of honor at my wedding.
Mamma Ju and her two girls Darby & myself
This picture about sums up these 3 sisters
Sharee and I listened to Brad Wilcox's class while we made some cute sock bunnies to give to less fortunate kids.
Our sock bunnies!!
Some more service, modge podging a car set for some boys in places like the Ronald MacDonald house
It was Spring in Utah! Something Canada never got while we were away... we came home to snow. Some cute little baby duckies learning how to swim.
Aunty Alice and I couldn't wait to try some dirty diet coke. But honestly I think the best part were those sugar cookies!!! One of the best I've ever tasted (and I make a dang good sugar cookie!) I gobbled it down so quick.
Oh ya, remember that one time Crystal got an electric shock from the straightener? One of those not so funny/absolutely hilarious moments. I just had to snap a pic....
I hate shoe shopping. It's one of my absolute LEAST favorite things to do. But I knew it was time to let these shoes go. I will cherish our 8 years together. I bought 3 new pairs of shoes on the trip.
The night before we left we were trying to unpack and repack both cars to fit everything, thank goodness for the thule on top of the suburban. I take the phrase "shop till you drop" a lot more serious now...
Can't wait for next year!!
Oh my heavens that house looks horrifying! There's no way I would even go inside! Can't believe they actually live there! Creepy!