Steph @ 31 weeks and Me @ 35 weeks!
How far along are you: 35 weeks
Baby is: as big as a honeydew melon. His head has also been down for quite a few weeks now, I hope he stays that way! I can feel his little bum on the top of my uterus so sometimes I give him little love spanks! haha
Weight gain: No clue, I prefer not to know. I don't feel like a ginormous whale [yet] so I think I'm doing okay.
Movement: I am falling more in love with this little belly. At first I found it really strange and weird. The more time we spend together the more I like his little movements. He puts on a good performance after mum has a yummy treat. More and more people have been able to feel him. I'm not a touchy feely person ( all...) but I don't mind close friends or family feeling baby. I like seeing everyones excitement :)
Maternity clothes: I wear my maternity clothes to work obviously but as soon as I get home its pajama time. Okay okay... so I used to do that before I was pregnant too....
Work: I have 1 more week of work left, then a whole month off! I will tell you what though... I have been SO lucky with this pregnancy. I have been able to work the entire time without too much complaint. Just this week though I am starting to feel very tired and my body is starting to give up on these 8 hour work days. I get home from work and have to lay down in bed to give my back a break. I am excited to be at home and take some rests during the day while I try and tie some loose ends around the house.
Sleep: I have been pretty lucky the last couple of weeks. I still get up 3-5 times to go pee in the night but I'm able to fall right back asleep. Sometimes It's a little harder to sleep if I'm having bad back pain that day but I won't complain too much!
High of the week: my Jyles finally getting home from her mission in El Salvador!!! Oh the laughs we have already had!! AND My first baby shower that Ashley Johnson threw me! I will post some pictures in my next post! It was so fun to unpack my presents today and put everything away. I will admit all of the baby stuff did make me slightly panicky that a baby is on the way and I have a LOT to learn.
Low of the week: Not getting a single thing done after work this week. I am starting to accept that nothing is gonna get done until I'm off of work.
Feeling: I went to my friend Jessica's homecoming on Sunday and it was the first time I'd seen her in 18 months. She is a little ray of sunshine folks. She was SO HAPPY. I felt lifted up and happier just being around her. Now obviously she's straight off the mission so naturally she has that missionary glow, but if you know Jessica at all she is FUN to be around. There is never a time we are together that I don't laugh hysterically. So it got me thinking that I could do so much better with that. I want to be a positive, happy mom/wife. I know I won't be all the time, (especially since I already know that about myself haha), and I know there will be lots of hard days, weeks, months... But I want to remember to TRY to be positive and TRY to be happy, and just do the best I can. I want people to feel lifted up being around me! Not dragged down by all of my complaints and negativity...
Symptoms: I have been very level-headed this 3rd trimester. No crying, no grouchy episodes (yay!!) My carpal tunnel has been okay, I have been sleeping with my wrists straight and it's helped a lot! Thirsty thirsty thirsty ALL the time day and night. Nocturia, fatigue, swollen hands and feet, achy legs, sore back,
Baby necessities: I'm still going to Winners twice a week scoping out their baby stuff #cantstopwontstop and I found some gems this week. I found this Ergobaby carrier, I know... at WINNERS of all places. There was only one there so I wrapped my chubby little arms around it and didn't let it out of my sight until the check out. Probably saved at least 50 dollars on that (boo ya!) My friend Steph says I have a gift for finding crazy deals, but I've come to find out it's just because I am always on the hunt. As Mandi would say from Vintage Revivals "The amount of great scores is directly related to the time you invest into finding them." I also found a bebePOD baby seat which are usually around $60-70 dollars (it's basically a bumbo chair just a different brand) and I got it on clearance for $25!
I went garage saleing last weekend with my mom and I am just not the girl I used to be. I can only stop at a few before I feel pooped! I used to hit up at least 10 in a morning. I'm thinking I only have one more weekend in me of hunting around before I will have to call it quits. Sad. What will I do Saturday mornings now?! Sleep in maybe...
Working on: Nothing :( I need to finish the binding on a couple of quilts I've made, and I have a stack of burp cloths and baby blankets I want to sew still. I hope Mama Ju is ready for me to be at her house for the next month finishing my projects!
Nursery: Is finally coming together! I was feeling really anxious for a while when my baby room was a mess. Now that all the crap is cleared out and the baby stuff is being organized and put away I am feeling SO much better. I know the baby won't use the nursery for a long time but it is appeasing my "nesting" instincts and is making me feel loads better :)
Currently craving: I had the BEST diet coke at Earl's the other day. They brought it with a fresh lime and brought me a little bottle of lime juice/syrup for it too. I literally drank the rest of the lime juice it was so good haha. I am already planning my next trip to Earl's...
Confession: Double chins are in right?? ....I can't wait to have my jaw line back.
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