Friday 8 May 2015

Bumpdate: 31 Weeks

How far along? 
31 Weeks

Baby is big as a: 

I can see my skin starting to stretch and get tight now. I have a harder time rolling over in bed or reaching for things when I'm sitting down. This belly is getting in the way!

I think my body is starting to get used to bits and pieces of sleep. I sleep pretty good at night, but FORGET about taking a nap. As soon as I lie down to take a nap my mind starts thinking of all the things I should be doing or cleaning instead. I just cannot seem to relax! I take a bubble bath every single night which helps me wind down for the night and get sleepy for bed.

Things really started changing these last couple weeks. He is getting so big!! I started to get freaked out with all the big movements but now it's starting to grow on me. Sometimes I just sit down and watch him kick and punch around in there. I can see a lot more movement on the outside and I can feel little body parts on the outside now too. I like feeling [what I think are] his little feet and pushing on them till he wiggles around. Every once in a while he sticks his feet up into my rib cage and it hurts!

Best moment of the week?
My first weekend of garage sale shopping this summer!! I got some awesome little boy clothes, a play pen, a vintage high chair, a super cute fabric Noah's Ark set, and some building blocks.

Worst moment of the week?
Having my housework looming over my head after work. I have neglected it all week...

All of a sudden my hands and my feet have gotten so swollen and fat. I have little lines around my ankles after work from my socks haha. Sometimes I get really itchy when I'm trying to fall asleep. I'm still having some anxiety and worrying, although it has subsided a bit this week :)

Food cravings?
Dr Pepper

Food aversions?
Having an aversion to sweets again lately which is a bummer. By the time I've prepared a meal it seems yucky to me and I don't want to eat it.

What I miss?
Sleeping on my stomach, or just laying around the house however I want without being uncomfortable or having a big belly in the way.

Baby Necessities? 
My coworker gave us their old crib and it is so nice! I love it. I bought a second hand city select stroller which I am super excited about too.

Grateful For?
A slow couple of weeks at work, it has seriously helped my fatigue. I can actually put my feet up every once in a while and not come home stressed or exhausted.

Stretch Marks?
None yet but my skin is definitely looking tight and stretched!

Worried about?
I've been worrying about labor recently. I think it's just fear of the unknown. I just want to get this first labor over with so I know what I'm putting on my plate for next time!

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