Monday 20 April 2015

Bumpdate: 28 weeks

How far along? 
28 Weeks

Baby is big as a: 
Head of Cauliflower

I didn't really feel like it had gotten bigger since my last post, but then I put on a maternity shirt I hadn't worn in a couple weeks. WHAT THE?! Skin tight my friends.

Still hit or miss. Some nights I sleep like a dream and others are a train wreck with my back pain. A new thing has started where I get super anxious at night and my mind goes on and on worrying about the stupidest stuff and I stay up half the night trying to calm down. What's that all about?!

I was starting to wonder if this kid was the mellowest fetus out there because he didn't really kick too much. But just this week he has been going nuts! Mostly at night when I finally lay down and relax

Best moment of the week?
Finishing moving our house, I am going to need a month now to re cooperate. It was such a HUGE weight off my shoulders when it was done. You'd think that moving from the basement to the upstairs in the same house wouldn't be that much work. Wrong. You know how many times I went up and down those stairs?!

Worst moment of the week?
When Nick and I both got the flu when we were trying to finish moving our house. I got away with 27 weeks of pregnancy without throwing up. Boo. 

I had my first leg cramp the other night. Only 1 so far phewf. I find myself wanting to stretch my arms and legs more and more and as I'm doing it I'm like oh wait!!!! and stop before the leg cramp hits. My nocturia has improved. I think because the nights I am sleeping these days I sleep quite deeply. If I sleep lightly then I pee everytime I stir awake. I have become a huge worrier too, which I think has been stressful for Nick

Food cravings?
none lately, but I am thirsty for water 24/7

Food aversions?
I'm going through another phase where nothing really sounds good to eat. I've also been super busy this last week and it has made me too lazy to eat.

Wedding Rings On/Off
On, my ring was pretty lose to start off. But I won't keep it on once it gets tight, I will learn from Nikki Duce's mistakes!!! I don't want the circulation to get cut off on my finger... hehe

What I miss?
To have a day go by without crying would be fantastic

Is full of random baby stuff at the moment. I am not touching that nursery anytime soon. I am tuckered out from this stupid move. My PVR and new couch awaits me

none lately

Grateful For?
Bubble baths. You guys. I had the most GLORIOUS bubble bath when I was recovering from the flu. One of those baths where you actually put your head and hair under the water, even with the bubbles. And just float. Where the bath is so long and relaxing that the water starts to get cold and you actually have to put more hot water in. I am daydreaming about it now. 

Prego Comments?
It takes a long time for people to be comfortable acknowledging you're pregnant. I must have a big enough belly now that people find it safe to notice. I get way more doors held for me, people let me budge in line at stores, but no random has asked to touch my belly yet (phewf). I had one old man patient at work ask me if I'm having twins as a joke. I didn't think it was very funny.

Stretch Marks?
None so far, I'm not really doing anything special to avoid them, no cream or oil or anything. So we'll see.


  1. Love your posts!!! You, Nikki and I NEED to get a picture of all of our baby bumps together before Nikki has that baby!!

  2. Love this! That bubble bath sounds absolutely divine haha. I hear you on the "brain going a mile a minute when you're trying to sleep" thing! I think it's just anxiousness in getting prepared for a baby! You are seriously so cute pregnant - fresh from the shower or not. :P
