How far along?
25 Weeks
Baby is big as an:
Acorn Squash
Which one... I've got 2 in the front and 1 in the back. This bod is starting to get very curvaceous...
Maternity clothes?
Are amazing. End of story. There is no shame in wearing them, they are comfy, cute and make you feel way better about your changing body! (except when one of your buttons busts open and your bra is exposed at work all day and nobody tells you)
Hit or miss. If I have a crazy weirdo dream I don't sleep well, or if I am having back pain that day. My body pillow has helped with my back pain a lot these last few weeks but now I can't seem to get comfortable at all even with it! I have slept on the couch a few nights because it gives me better back support.
I feel him more and more every day which is very exciting, both inside and outside. I felt him for the first time on the outside a couple weeks ago which I was pumped for! Nick still hasn't felt him yet. He is super random with his movements so sometimes it is hard to feel him on the outside. It's become a little game. When I do feel him I feel so successful and proud of myself and just sit there with a big grin on my face.
Best moment this week?
I made the mistake of doing some pretty labor intensive crafting this weekend while Nick was away. Apparently my body can't do all the bending over and moving around like it used to. My back seized up and was feeling really really sore so before bed I laid with a heat bag on my back. While I was laying down he was moving around the most I've ever felt it. Even though my back was so so bad he cheered me up so fast!
Nocturia 2-3x / night. Starting to feel the fatigue again, I think because it's been harder to sleep. I have had a finicky back since my car accident in Calgary a few years ago, but lately it's been consistently bad. EMOTIONAL - geez!! I said to Nick the other day "I'm sorry I'm so crazy..." normally I am not very sensitive, but I get my feelings hurt so easily now. I have been crying a lot more too...
Food cravings?
Would I call these cravings?? Nah. I'm a food lover. But recently these things have been hitting the spot! Homemade orange julius, water, strawberries, mozzarella cheese, plain betty crocker chocolate cake, Dr Pepper big gulps, Warhead freezies, Popsicles
Food aversions?
Sandwiches... :( Which has been so sad for me because sandwiches are my favorite food. For some reason they are really grossing me out
As time goes on I am becoming less and less picky about names, mostly because we only have 1 that we both really really like. I would like a few more options
What I miss?
Sleeping on my stomach
We are moving upstairs in our house next week so I can't wait to get my hands on this nursery. Hopefully my back will cooperate!
I have been pretty good not to do too much unnecessary shopping. I did go to the Gap Factory Store a couple weekends ago during a huge sale and basically bought one of everything there. It's hard to find cute boy clothes! I am of course waiting for garage sales to start this summer. I will thrift as much stuff as I can! Perfect opportunity to feed my garage sale obsession...
Grateful For?
All of my other friends who are prego too! It's been so fun talking to everyone and comparing notes. We are all first-timers and it's nice to have someone going through the same thing as you. It's been so exciting hearing what everyone is having too! Boy or Girl! Can't wait to meet everyone's little babes :)