A couple of weeks ago I was having a particularly bad day. The kind of bad day where you drive around, tears in your eyes, trying to get away. No place to go. I ended up at Costco. So I walked around trying to distract myself. Voila. The book section. And what is this?! A Roald Dahl book set. I will add this to my children's book collection!! Sidetracked... so I pick up the book set and a couple other books I've been wanting to read and head to the check out. I'm waiting behind this man with a large cart full (I mean who doesn't have a huge cart full at Costco right?). He takes one look at my 3 items and says "Is that all you have? You can go in front of me." Uh oh. I feel tears coming on. "Umm that's okay I don't mind waiting you go ahead." He insists. "No really, please, go ahead". So I slipped in front of him after thanking him again and again and the lady checked me out. Such a small kindness and yet it made a huge difference in my bad day. You never know who needs it most.
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