Thursday, 8 October 2015

Coping with Colic

Colic... Do we even really know what that means?? It's kind of a blanket term. It's the rule of 3's. Your baby has episodes of crying for more than 3 hours a day, 3 days a week, for 3 weeks. (And your baby is healthy otherwise)

Rory is a very gassy baby. He has been since around 3ish weeks. Have you ever had gas pain?? It's uncomfortable and sometimes painful. Imagine a tiny new baby in his new body dealing with gas pain. It involves a lot of sad cries and is sad to listen to. Between Rory's cries and mine we have had a few rough days to say the least.

We have tried everything. Trust me. Probiotics, dairy-free diet, bicycle kicks, elevation after eating, burping between feeds, kolik water, ovol, gripe water, pressure on the stomach, warm baths, tummy massage, essential oils... The list goes on. I've just come to the conclusion this is my life, correction, this is OUR life. Hopefully soon his GI tract will mature and my happy baby will be here to stay...

If you listen to the rule of 3's it doesn't require your baby to be crying 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Rory is a great sleeper at night, he usually sleeps around 8 hours straight. (Which I am sooo grateful for) You've probably seen him happy, smiley and content, and I'm sure some have thought "she is out to lunch" when I mention Rory is fussy. However, those hours of the week we rock, bounce, pat the bum, pump the legs, and basically stand on our heads, are enough to make me tired, grouchy and sad. But there's no one to blame, or be frustrated at, he's just a poor baby with a painful GI tract. It's not his fault, it's not mine. So we trudge on. We relish the good days where we get through with only an episode or two of being fussy. We cherish the smiles and the cooing, squacking and talking when things are good.

Here are a few tips I have found have helped me with a colicky baby. Keep in mind that I have only ONE child and some of these are probably harder for moms with multiple children. Most of these are just a reminder to myself how to cope.

Do something nice for someone else It sounds silly but it really does take your mind off your own problems. Time is limited with having a new baby but just a small act of kindness will help you stop feeling sorry for yourself. Text a friend, drop off a treat, compliment your husband... Small or great I promise it will help!
Remember it's OK to be frustrated I have terrible mom guilt. I feel frustrated with Rory and then feel bad for feeling frustrated. It's not his fault, he's just a baby. Then I feel bad because he's in pain and I should be sweet and caring. Well its hard to be sweet and caring all the time... This leads me to my next 2 tips...
Ask for help I am the worst for this. It's hard for me to even ask Nick to help. I feel guilty, he is so busy with school it makes me feel bad for asking him. Here's a tip. Don't feel bad. Nick has been happy to give me a break, even if just for an hour so I can take a bath or run to the grocery store by myself. Tip number two - often times people don't know you need help unless you ASK. It's amazing how often we forget that people can't read our minds!
Take a break Similar to ask for help, however this specifically entails you taking a break from baby. If Rory has had a few bad days in a row I start becoming a ticking time bomb with tears ready to explode at any moment. The problem is I get all worried leaving him with someone else. No one knows what works best like I do... But you NEED the rejuvenation. Even if he cries the whole time they will be fine! You do it all day! Someone else can do it for an hour.
Do something small to feel productive Part of my stress is that I get nothing done. He has a hard time napping because he wakes up every few minutes with gas pain. There are days I have held him his whole nap because he is sooo tired but just can't catch a wink! Do something small to feel productive. Wipe the counters, tidy the bathroom, brush your teeth, take out the garbage. You'd be surprised what a few small tasks can do to make you feel better!
Get out of the house
I know it's scary, especially if it's a bad colicky day, but both of you need to get out of the house and take your mind off things. One time Rory cried so much I finally put him in his carseat and went for a walk. He sucked on his soother the whole time and just stared at me. I think he was happy to get his mind off things too.