20 Weeks
Baby is big as a:
Small Cantaloupe
It's here you guys. I didn't think I would be self conscious at all of having a belly, since you have a pretty good excuse... but I am! It's really hard to dress this thing, I'm still at an awkward stage.
Total weight gain/loss?
Its a mystery
Maternity clothes?
Glorious glorious maternity clothes... how I love you!! I feel comfortable and can still feel cute when I want to go out.
Some nights I sleep AMAZING, and other nights I toss and turn all night and wonder if I have gotten any sleep at all. I don't mind the nocturia, I can usually fall back asleep pretty easily. I have pretty wacky dreams some nights too.
I have been feeling the little butterflies for a while now but just this week I have started maybe feeling some tiny kicks. It's so hard to tell what they are! Is that my stomach? digestion? gas? baby? But just this morning at work I could definitely feel little kicks inside!
Best moment this week?
Feeling little kicks finally today!
I still get tired if I overdo it at home after working a full day. For the most part I am feeling really good though :) I have been starting lots of new projects! Smells can make me queasy so fast. Especially at work. There was one specific instance during work that I almost threw up in the middle of treating a patient because of a strong smell :S Closest I've come to throwing up during this pregnancy.
Food cravings?
Nothing really these days. I am super thirsty all day, I love me a nice cold water bottle.
Food aversions?
Sometimes it is hard to find something that sounds appealing to eat. I can't eat the same thing more than once in a week.
Baby Boy! We have another ultrasound this Wednesday that my friend Kennedy is doing! I am really excited about it
Zero. Like Zippo names you guys. A MILLION girl names but zero boy names. We have a list going on right now but nothing that really screams out at us. Nick and I like totally different names too so this is going to be hard. Sometimes he will suggest a name and I think he is joking but he is being serious.
Belly button in or out?
What I miss?
Sleeping on my stomach
What I'm looking forward to?
Feeling more kicks and Nick feeling the baby move for the first time
Strech Marks?
Plenty of time for those.
More excited. Things are starting to get a little more real. My mom said to me the other day "It's really weird that you are pregnant. Doesn't feel like this is happening" She stole the words right out of my mouth. I'm going to be a mom??? Huh??
Working On?
I will admit I have 3 quilts nearly finished... with ideas for a 4th. My mom asked me how many quilts this baby needs, I told her he will have to share with the other kids because there's no way I will have time ever again to make quilts like I do now. And of course he will be getting one from Grandma Julie! I have a few baby blankets ready to sew as well, with a large pinterest board of projects I want to start haha. 20 weeks left to finish my projects!
We are moving upstairs April 1st so I will start the nursery then, I am SO excited for that! As a side note I am also excited for a dishwasher upstairs. I think I am going to do teal and navy colors. I am trying to go simple. I have a few things stashed away already. The main thing I want still is a big dresser I can redo that I can use as a change table.
Honestly I haven't done much. I bought a few onesies on sale at Superstore. I also bought the most adorable Hudson's Bay baby blanket which I am obsessed with. Grandma Julie however has done quite a bit of shopping since we found out baby is a boy!! Thank goodness for Grandmas!
Grateful For?
The new bras I bought last week. Long overdue, and glorious!! My back feels way better already!